안녕하세요!! 레트로 포터블1.3버전이 업데이트 됐네요!!! 업데이트가 너무 빠릅니다!!
이러다가 못쫓아가는건 아닌지 걱정입니다!!!
업데이트는 좋은데 업데이트할때마다
다시 롬파일과 이미지를 재설정해야하는 고통이 따르네요!!!ㅠㅠ
전 이번엔 거르고 다음번 업데이트때나 해야 할것 같습니다!!!
할려구해도 엄두나 안납니다! 참고로 메모리가64기가인데 꽉차있습니다!!!ㅡ,.ㅡ
https://rs97.bitgala.xyz/04.%20os_images/ <-클릭하시면 업데이트파일 창으로 이동합니다!
1.3 업데이트 사항입니다!
v20180408(CFW v1.3)
asciiportal_18-03-2018_fixed_ASCIIPortal_workaround_fix ogg library issue by convert ogg file to
chocolate_doom_18-03-2018.fixed_remapp L shoulder button to strafe-left_please_remov
dosbox_19-03-2018_fixed_display stretch issue
fba_18-03-2018_fixed_a320workaround_recompiled with SDL_HW_SURFACE for speed up
fba_gcw0_18-03-2018_fixed_workaround recompiled with SDL_HWSURFACE for speed up
fceux_18--3-2018.fixed_all video scalers don't display correctly except original
gmenu2x_18-03-2018_fixed_battery meter issue in gmenu2x
gngeo_18-03-2018_fixed_remapped button for unibios_menu_backlightbios_start+a+b+y
handy_18-03-2018handy_18-03-2018_fixed_remap key backlight=menu, L=scale, SELECT=exit 2
picodrive_19-03-2018_fixed version of picodrive, fixed double buffer & swapped XY button issue
pocketsnes_18-03-2018_Fixed_speed cap bug, and improved performance
regba_19-03-2018_updated refined version contributed by TonyJih
snes9x4d_21-03-2018_ fixed_aspect_ratio_issue
pcsx4all_02-04-2018_write framebuffer into DMA directly_fix fps miss and center screen issues
pcsx4all_04-04-2018_new_dma_write framebuffer into_directly_fix fps miss and center
screen issues_updated for DMA cache issues.
Added preview images for both FBA emulators.
즐거운 레트로 생활 되세요!^^
레트로 포터블 리셋버튼 만들기 (10) | 2018.04.11 |
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레트로 포터블 PS1 업데이트 (19) | 2018.04.04 |
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